Sensory Integration: Behavioral Benefits

Behavioral Benefits of Sensory Integration Sensory Processing

How to Help Your Child Use Sensory Input to Self-Regulate

Does it seem like your child is constantly throwing tantrums? Do they unravel at the end of the day? Sensory dysregulation, whether from too much or too little input, can have direct and severe impacts on your child’s mood. It can also impact your child’s behavior, appearing in the form of meltdowns and poor impulse control. Think about how hard it is to concentrate when you’re itchy or how frustrating it can be when your foot falls asleep and you can’t walk across the room. Your child could be experiencing similar feelings 24/7.

Occupational therapy is designed to help regulate your child. Sometimes, in order to make progress, we focus on treating unlikely areas. Your first impulse might have been to visit a psychiatrist or psychologist. While they may be able to help treat the behavioral symptoms your child is showing, they can’t treat the root cause of your child’s emotional outbursts. They  may gain skills used to deal with their increased stress, but they’ll still find themselves coping with daily discomfort. One of the great things about sensory integration is that you’ll see behavioral changes simply by working with a therapist to get your child more in tune with their sensory profile. Once they feel more comfortable in their own skin, you’ll be amazed at how quickly that frustration melts away and their emotions begin to stabilize!

If you’re looking for Los Angeles based occupational therapy for sensory integration, then you’re in the right place! Here at Theraplay LA we offer in-home, in clinic, and telehealth sensory integration sessions. We know that watching your child struggle can be heartbreaking, which is why we apply strategies specifically tailored to provide quick and lasting results. We’re here to support your child, emotionally and otherwise, through every stage of sensory integration!


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